Dutch: A Killjoy Who's the Best of All Worlds

Dutch: A Killjoy Who's the Best of All Worlds

Get a side by side comparison of Dutch and some of the best heroes and ass kickers around - past and present.

If the greatest heroes, action stars and kick ass villains (emphasis on kick ass) all morphed together to create one uber fighter, the outcome would look and sound a lot like Dutch, one the greatest Killjoys this side of the future. You'll get to see her in action tonight at 9/8c in the Season Premiere of Killjoys but in the meantime here's a look at some of Dutch's best assets: her brains, strength and nerve.

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She uses her forces for good like Superman.

She can't fly and doesn't rock a cape, but Dutch, like the Man of Steel, is all hero. Both are on a quest to do the right thing and save the day - even if it means putting themselves in danger - in their respective worlds.

She fights on the level of Ra's al Gul.

The Demon's Head himself would be impressed with Dutch's incomparable fighting skills. "Who trained you?" is a question she often hears from the mouths of stunned onlookers who see her in action. Although she doesn't fit the EVIL requirement, should there be an opening in the League of Assassins, Dutch, who is handy with a blade, gun and her fists alike, would be a shoe-in.

Black Widow (a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff ) and Dutch are both bad asses who just so happen to be women.

They fight like girls. Girls who can beat the pants off ANYBODY who stands in their way. They also both had childhoods -for better and mostly worse - that shaped the tough as nails people they are today. And they both have groovy aliases. Dutch's real name will be revealed in TONIGHT'S episode!

She's witty like James Bond (and yes, they both have English accents).

As a Killjoy, Dutch finds herself in more than a few compromising situations, much like those of Bond, James Bond (sorry, we had to). Each of them always has to be several steps ahead of the bad guys by being quick on their feet and quick with their minds. See Dutch get out of a pickle like only a Bond could, in the first four minutes of tonight's episode.

She's special like Neo.

If the Quad was the Matrix, Dutch would be the One. She's great at being a Killjoy, but she serves a higher purpose that will be explored throughout the Season - especially in Episode 9…

She's a chameleon like Mystique.

When you get past the contrast in their appearance (although both have great hair), Dutch and Mystique are actually a lot a like in that they both don other people's personas to get what they need. This Season, you'll see Dutch go undercover on more than one occasion - hiding in plain sight in fancy gowns with explosive accessories -  to chase warrants across the Quad.

Moral of the story - watch Killjoys (and if you are reading this after the premiere, you can watch full episodes too). Don't take our word for it? Just ask The New York Times.