MSM tackles the need to explore... and gets it very right

SYFY WIRE Bad Astronomy

MSM tackles the need to explore... and gets it very right

By Phil Plait

BABloggee Steven Avery on Twitter sent me a link to a story about astronomy done on MSNBC... and it's great. Seriously, it's worth the 11:30 to watch it. They show not just what we're doing, but why we're doing it. It's rare for any mainstream medium to cover this well, but it's extraordinary that they delve into the philosophy and sheer joy of exploration.

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Fantastic. The short segment after, with Brian Williams talking to Harry Smith is simply wonderful. It's uplifting to see two news people talking about how much they love this sort of thing. I wish we had more of this. I spend a lot of time shaking my head and gritting my teeth over science coverage in the news in this country, so something like this is a breath of fresh air so sweet it's staggering.

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