Our Top Expanse Moments: Season 1, Episode 3

Our Top Expanse Moments: Season 1, Episode 3

Focus drugs, Jared Harris and Windom Earle from Twin Peaks.

By Bryan Enk

Political scheming. Focus drugs. Windom Earle from Twin Peaks. Jeremy from Bitten. And Jared Harris! Here are our favorite moments from The Expanse Season 1, Episode 3: "Remember the Cant."

  1. Meet Anderson Dawes

    OMG, Jared Harris! We'd love Jared Harris in any role, but he's especially pitch-perfect for the part of Anderson Dawes, the shady yet undeniably charismatic OPA bigwig on Ceres. Dawes is definitely a big piece in the puzzle … just how he fits into the scheme of things remains to be seen.
  2. The Interrogation of Naomi

    We love Bitten alum Greg Bryk as Lt. Lopez, the Martian officer who's great at interrogating 'cause he takes drugs for it. He's so convinced that Naomi is an OPA sleeper agent that she seems to believe it herself by the end of her session … unless, of course, she actually is an OPA sleeper agent. Mysteries!
  3. Mars Is Innocent

    Chrisjen's manipulation of her longtime friend and colleague Franklin DeGraaf (played by Kenneth Mars, to the delight of Twin Peaks fans) was heartbreaking, but at least her scheming cleared Mars of any involvement with the destruction of the Canterbury. Unfortunately, Mars being innocent makes the situation is even more dire, as the U.N. is now officially dealing with an unknown enemy.
  4. Poor Havelock

    Oof. Brutal. Never go into the Medina district by yourself at night, especially after there's been major rioting.

Next Week: Season 1, Episode 4: "CQB."