The New York Times Just Confirmed Your Deepest Suspicion...

The New York Times Just Confirmed Your Deepest Suspicion...

Is it warm in here?  No, it's WayHaught!  Yesterday a New York Times article confirmed what Earpers have known forever—Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught are the one of the most popular TV pairings of the year!  

How to Watch

Catch up on Wynonna Earp on the SYFY app.

The article pulled data from Tumblr to determine the most "shipped" couples of 2017.  If you don't know what "shipping" is, please do yourself a favor and crawl out from under that rock where you've been apparently living since before the advent of the interwebs.  The term, short for "relationshipping" in fandom, is the act of supporting or wishing for a particular romantic relationship.  Notably, all of top 10 pairs were same-sex couplings which is "a testament to how friendly Tumblr is to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, as well as to the long history of slash both off and online."

Now that the rest of the world is *finally* up to speed with this old news, perhaps it's time to go back and revsit all of your favorite WayHaught moments.  Personally, I'm going to get back to writing the fanfic novel I've been working on.  Anyone know of a cheap artist for hire?