Sally was hopeful she'd hang on for Josh and Nora's wedding, but no such luck. Her rotting body gets the best of her and she passes away, with her friends by her side.
Sally, now a ghost, prepares to go through her door with Aidan and Josh to face Donna. Aidan rips out Sally's heart, claiming it's actually a weapon that could harm Donna. We'd suggest nunchucks, but go figure.
On the other side of the door, Josh finds himself in a field, while Aidan is seemingly transported to the past (we know because he's wearing his 1700's wig). 1700's Aidan's son, Isaac, appears and Aidan's overjoyed - until Isaac flashes a smile and Aidan realizes this is all a vision caused by Donna.
Here's Aidan freaking out at his son's teeth and wishing dental was part of basic health care coverage in the 1700s.
Josh and Aidan's visions abate and the three roomies find themselves in Donna's soup kitchen, except it's all burnt out and covered in vines and stuff.
Josh's dead maker, Ray, is Donna's muscle and blocks the way to the head witch in charge. Josh takes care of him and the two struggle, with Josh eventually killing him. Again.
Donna's waiting. Despite Sally momentarily stunning her with the incantations she learned last episode, Donna throws Aidan around like a rag doll and turns her attention to Sally.
Donna casts some spells and Sally is engulfed in flames. She doesn't even get a chance to stop, drop and roll because she dissolves into ash.
Donna sucks up the Sally ash and becomes younger. Poor Sally - getting eaten by a witch is a really crummy way to go.
Taking advantage of the moment, Aidan throws Sally's heart into Donna's cauldron thing....
Instantly, Josh, Aidan and Sally are transported back to Sally's room. While everyone's unharmed, Sally realizes she's a ghost again. She takes it shockingly well, mostly because she's psyched she's stuck in a better outfit this time.
Josh's sister Emily surprises her brother. She admits being weirded out that he's a wolf and he hangs with vampires, but promises to try to understand.
At long last, after nearly three full seasons of drama, Josh and Nora become man and wife!
Here's another picture of the happy wolf couple!
Amidst all this happiness, we see that Kenny has transformed into those one of those creepy looking, mutated vampires. Aidan's worst fear has come true.
Post wedding, Sally is disturbed to see the candles spontaneously burst into some hardcore flame. Totally not indicative that Donna may not be through with her, right?
Nora and Josh are spending their honeymoon in a remote cabin, doing what newlyweds do (we're not spelling it out). Nora goes to get some firewood - and gets greeted by Liam! Side thought: Should Liam play One Eyed Willy in a Goonies remake?