It’s 15 months later and we see Josh and Nora, alive, well and in a crystal shop. No, they’ve not started taking Shirley McLaine’s advice. They’re trying to use a psychic to connect with Sally. No dice.
Nora's got a gun and she's not afraid to use it.
Still, murder’s worth it if it means you won’t be a werewolf, right? At the next full moon, Josh is stoked to see that killing his maker freed him of the wolf curse. Not so for Nora, so she still turns into a dog once a month. Interspecies dating!
Sally, we see, is stuck in limbo with Stevie and Nick. Limbo is basically black and white, and you keep reliving your death and generally you’re uncomfortable. What’s worse, Sally’s STILL wearing the outfit she’s had on for the last two years.
Josh and Nora, so desperate for psychic advice that they’re about to call Miss Cleo, get a lead on a woman that can help them – one Donna Gilchrist.
Donna works in a soup kitchen, where she accessorizes with bandanas and the biggest knife you’ve ever seen. Turns out Donna’s a witch and reveals the only way to bring Sally back is to dig up her body AND bring her the heart of someone Josh killed. Oh, yeah, and give her two grand.
Josh and Nora go dig up Sally’s body AND take Ray’s heart from his corpse. With the raw material in hand (literally and figuratively), Donna makes a potion, spouts some Latin and boom! Sally’s (wrapped) body starts breathing.
Josh and Nora take Sally home, where they unwrap her. In the best line of the episode, freshly breathing Sally whispers, “Stevie...Nick?” which leads Josh to question why she’s asking for Stevie Nicks.
Unlike Glinda, Donna is not a good witch. We later see her in the woods, where she pours some bloody, tarry looking potion out onto the ground. It collects right near Ray’s body, which Donna seems to have a plan for.
Where’s Aidan, you ask? He’s been stuck in a coffin for the last 15 months, where he’s managed to grow a (oddly well kempt) beard and had tons of hallucinations about Josh, Sally and eating lobster (don’t ask).
Some tweaky looking dude digs Aidan out and keeps him captive in this Hannibal Lecter looking mask. Soon enough, Atlee (one of the creepy Amish vampires from seasons 1 and 2) shows up and rescues him.
Atlee explains that a virus has spread through the human population in the last year. It manifested as a common flu for humans, but tainted their blood in a way that’s lethal to vampires. Mother and most other vampires are now dead.
In a case of extremely bad timing, Atlee dies while driving, with Aidan as a passenger. The car crashes, leaving Aidan stranded on the side of the road, weak, seeing visions of Josh and Sally and potentially dying. Cliffhanger!