Karellen, an alien calling himself an "Overlord," arrives on Earth and promises humanity a bold new world, one free of disease, poverty, crime and war. Is this veritable utopia to be trusted – especially when Karellen reveals himself to the world and bares a strong resemblance to the devil?
The term "boy genius" might have been invented just for Milo Rodricks (P.S. if you read the books, Milo is the equivalent of Jan Rodricks). The only thing greater than his intellect is his curiosity, which goes into overdrive with the arrival of Karellen and the Overlords to Earth.
Imagine experiencing your first pangs of love when aliens arrive and usher in a utopic new chapter of human history. That's Jake Greggson's story. But the role he'll play in the future of humanity is much, much larger.
Rachel is a chief employee of The Boyce Center, a South African based research station dedicated to furthering mankind's understanding of the world around them and the universe beyond them. Rachel is impartial to the Overlords' presence on Earth but that's not true of someone very close to her – and that could threaten her safety and future.
Dr. Rupert Boyce is the founder of The Boyce Center, a South African based research station dedicated to furthering mankind's understanding of the world around them and the universe beyond them. He plays a larger role in Karellen's vision for Earth…whether he knows it or not.
Just call him the "Blue Collar Prophet", a farmer from Missouri, hand-picked by Karellen to be the bridge between humans and the Overlords. Ricky is a reluctant leader at first but once he sees all the good that Karellen has done in the world, he's much more trusting of his otherworldly friend—but should he be?
Ellie is a hip young photographer from New York who happily traded in her city girl ways to live on a farm with her husband, Ricky. The two share a loving, quiet existence until Karellen descends upon their home with a proposition that changes their lives forever.
When the Overlords arrive, Amy is a high schooler falling in love with her childhood sweetheart, Jake. A normal girl who lives on a normal street in a normal town becomes, with the Overlords' arrival, a key player in the future of humanity.
While the rest of the world questions religion after Karellen's arrival, Peretta still believes in a Higher Power. Armed with her faith, Peretta is committed to finding answers about the Overlords, no matter what it costs