WARNING: If you don't want to know what happened in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
So, remember how Sonny Shine has a trove of blackmail videos on pretty much everyone there ever was? Well, he's got one on Dayglo Doug, who likes to dress up as Hitler and do the goose step and Sieg Heil. Sonny doesn't need to say much to give DD the boot. Das boot on live television.
After getting the can, double D took a job as a resident comic at an old folks home. They've got one foot in the grave, but DD still doesn't manage to kill. ZING!
Merry and Nick drop in to see DD, not so much his act as to get some answers and his help. He's tight-lipped. But they might be able to offer him protection... and his show back.
Meanwhile, Amanda, having been fired, has got lots of free time to get to know Simon better. And get to know him better she does.
DD's story of how Sonny Shine came to be gets a little derailed when he starts talking about "Wishees," creatures maybe from another planet that can seduce your mind. Nick has heard enough of DD's Scientology-lite story, and peaces out.
And Smoothie has been following Hailey around, ingratiating himself into her company. He's trying to pitch himself as her only real guardian. It's kind of working.
Sonny pitches his Easter Special to the network execs, and, surprise surprise, they all give it two, blackmailed, thumbs up.
And when Nick starts poking around the old folks home, he finds out that it's really an old Nazi folks home.
Nick tries to tell this to Merry, but it's too late. The fascists have flooded the building. Nick's going to have to go one-man-Allies on this one.
Nick and Merry handily dispatch the Nazis. It's like Dresden up in there!
When Hailey drops by what she thinks is the place her mom still works at, she's up for a rude surprise: she's not there. Hailey's starting to doubt whether the people in her life that say they care about her actually do, which nudges her closer into Smoothie's clutches.
Merry brings Nick and DD back to her apartment, and shows the latter her web of clues. He's impressed. Nick goes to get himself a snack, while DD goes on a Wishee rant.
Hankering for some PB&J, Nick gets a jar of oddly colored jelly. Could it be...
Some of that goo that came out of that thing that Merry shot in the last season?
The goo stuff that Nick sticks down his gullet?
Then craps out seconds later?
Then crawls out of the toilet seconds after that?
Then has a fight on the toilet with? Probably.
Blue-Orchus drops in on a Russian mafia prison meeting in the kitchen, and demonstrates his superhuman strength: by making the leader of the pack cleave away most of his organs in front of everyone else.
And Hailey confronts her mom on all the lies she's been slinging. Amanda doubles down, and Hailey starts thinking about Smoothie.