NYCC: Team 'Evil' teases the season finale and the secrets of goat therapists


NYCC: Team 'Evil' teases the season finale and the secrets of goat therapists

By Brian Silliman

Evil came to New York Comic Con 2021, as the hit series, Evil, held a virtual panel, where the cast and creators discussed the show's second season, which will soon conclude on Paramount Plus. If you enjoy psychological mysteries, rituals, religious debate, and fantastic acting, then this a show for you. Season 2 may be ending soon, but fans can officially look forward to Season 3.

The NYCC panel included series stars Katja Herbers (Kristen Bouchard), Mike Colter (Cavid Acosta), Michael Emerson (Leland Townsend), Aasif Mandvi (Ben Shakir), Christine Lahti (Sheryl Luria), and Kurt Fuller (Kurt Boggs). Co-creators (and executive producers) Robert King and Michelle King also took part.

Robert King (married to co-creator Michelle King) talked first about the many discussions throughout the series between Herbers' Kristen and Colter's Cavid. For King, those discussions are the “heartbeat” of the series; the monsters less so. Approaching life from a religious perspective versus a secular one has been a keystone. 

The crazier aspects of the series appeal as well, though. “The thought of Michael Emerson sitting across from this giant goat demon, except he’s not a killer, he’s a therapist… it’s very funny," Robert King said. 

Kristen unravels in the second season, and this was something that Herbers enjoyed playing, particularly the character being “afraid to lose her mind.” Herbers didn’t necessarily know what the second season was going to include, but she’s “always really happy” when a new script comes in. As for Colter, he's drawn to his character because he's very far away from Colter himself, especially when it comes to religion. That's a challenge, but as Colter said, “it’s fun."

Emerson is in an interesting position as an actor because his character sometimes serves as comic relief, but at other points he's terrifying. “The character finds things humorous,” Emerson said. "I’m doing my vaudevillian thing… at the same time, Leland Townsend relishes his work, and he likes the expressions on people’s faces when his sickness goes down. I’m not working so hard at comedy, but I’m grateful that it’s there. I think Leland is happy.” 

Fuller noted how his character and Kristen have “really diverged” over the course of Season 2, adding that this meant that their therapy sessions were much more frightening. Herbers is a spontaneous actress, and according to Fuller, even she doesn’t always know what she’s gonna do. “It’s actually quite frightening to do scenes with her because I have no idea what’s going to happen," Fuller said. "She could take out a knife and put it in my heart. I have no idea what she’s gonna do.” 

When the season finale drops this Sunday, what might fans expect? “What I remember is that I’ve had some blood transfusions that Leland has given me,” Lahti said. “For me it’s like going to a spa.” She added that she and Emerson’s characters serve food to a child that comes in the shape of a corpse. So look forward to that. 

Evil wraps up Season 2 on Oct. 10, only on Paramount+.

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