Queer Avengers, Star Wars and Good Omens stories help celebrate Pride

SYFY WIRE Read This Fanfiction

Queer Avengers, Star Wars and Good Omens stories help celebrate Pride

By Kristina Manente

Welcome to Read This Fanfiction, a weekly digest of the hottest and latest fanfics about all your favorite movies, television shows, anime, and more. Whether they're popular, heartbreaking, innovative, or just plain entertaining, here's what you should be reading!

Pride Month is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean basking in queer glory has to stop. Oh no, LGBTQ+ rights are a year-round reason to celebrate, my friend. However, to mark the end of this designated month of celebrating gender, sexuality, and everything in between, here is a lovely sampling platter of some wonderful queer content.


"Hide A Heart Of War" by RayShippouUchiha

Why choose between Tony/Steve and Steve/Bucky when you can have both? Still sad the way Avengers: Endgame ended? Fix your feelings with this soulmate trope fic with a floral twist and lots of angst, fluff, and smut along the way.

"corridors of the heart and mind" by Gretahs

Everyone has opinions on the new Star Wars trilogy, but the OT3 of Rey/Finn/Poe is real. But how do you negotiate a polyamorous relationship in a galaxy far far away? Read this and find out (and probably squee a lot).


"June 18th" by geekoncaffeine

This new Good Omens fic series promises to be a delight, as the author examines the 6,000-year slow burn that is Aziraphale and Crowley's romance through the avenue of Tuesdays... after all, the book shop is always closed on Tuesdays.

"Favorite" by astolat

Pure drunken Merthur smut that we were all denied back when Merlin was airing. And then come the morning-after fumbles and denial, and then the realization these two medieval idiots were in love all along.

Video Games

"The Chain" by midgetnazgul

McHanzo is possibly the ultimate ship in the Overwatch universe, and this wonderful study of McCree and Hanzo's personalities and pasts culminates in a spectacular fic for fans of the pair (and those perhaps curious about it).

"So Call Me Maybe" by bucketmouse

The fact you weren't able to romance Krem in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a crime. However, this is what fic is for. As one of the only transgender characters with an actual storyline in mainstream video games, a lot of people love The Charger. Including this Adaar Inquisitor.


"Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart" by charliesheldon

This cute Harry Potter-verse story takes us along to a night under the stars on the grounds of Hogwarts as Ginny and Luna dance and fall in love. It's short, sweet, and on a fun new platform. May your rarepair hearts forever be delighted.

"No Rush" by blacktofade

If you haven't read the Captive Prince series, go do that now, and then come back and read this fanfic about Laurent and Damen pining for each other for years. It's canon divergent, but who cares, it's fluffy and sexy all at once.