Go back Through the Looking Glass in our new Lost Retrospective podcast


Go back Through the Looking Glass in our new Lost Retrospective podcast

By Tara Bennett

On Sept. 22, 2019, let's admit it: we all felt a lot older upon realizing that on that date, 15 years ago, Lost the TV series debuted on ABC. From the crash of Oceanic Air Flight 815 in the pilot episode, all the way to the cork in the middle of the island in the finale, millions of us watched all 121 hours of Lost for its characters, mysteries, flashbacks, and flash sideways. For many, it remains a life-changing series that launched life-long friendships, as well as previously unknown debate skills, as each episode inspired just about every viewer to conjure up theories, and defend their assertions about where the show was going. 

Whether you loved the ending, or hated it, were confused if the island was purgatory (it wasn't) or if everyone was dead (they weren't), there's no question that Lost the television series had a tremendous impact on the audience, the industry, and genre television in general. SYFY WIRE decided to explore that impact in our brand-new, limited podcast series, Through the Looking Glass: A Lost Retrospective, co-hosted by SYFY WIRE senior producer, Tara Bennett, and renowned TV critic Maureen Ryan.

In this podcast, we're not recapping episodes. Instead, we're exploring how Lost impacted high-concept serialized storytelling, opened the door for shorter U.S. seasons, created a transmedia landscape that fed water-cooler TV, ushered in a new era of fan engagement, and went on to populate the next generation of showrunners and landmark television series.

Over six-episodes, we welcome media critics such as Melanie McFarland (Salon.com), Sarah Rodman (EW), and Nikki Stafford (Finding Lost books). From behind-the-scenes of Lost, we've got VIPs including transmedia innovators, John Bernstein and David Daniels, and Sky1's The Lost Initiative co-host (and Official Lost Magazine editor), Paul Terry. And we've also got former Lost scribes, Drew Goddard (The Good Place), Elizabeth Sarnoff (Barry) and Lost executive producers, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse

For our first episode, we discuss "How Lost Changed TV":

We hope you join us for all six episodes. Each episode is available from your prefered podcast platform:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts