Tom Holland has a private group chat with fellow Spider-Men Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire

SYFY WIRE Spider-Man: No Way Home

Tom Holland has a private group chat with fellow Spider-Men Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire

Garfield and Maguire are rumored to appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which opens in theaters Dec. 17.

By Josh Weiss

Even if Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield don't return in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland can still rest easy knowing that both actors are always resting just a text away. Literally. Speaking with BBC Radio 1 ahead of No Way Home's wide theatrical release next week, Holland revealed that he's got a WhatsApp chain going with his fellow Peter Parkers.

Yes, there's a private chat group, exclusive to actors who have played Spidey on the big screen. Be jealous.

"I don't know how it got set up, but we bumped into Tobey at a Japanese restaurant awhile ago and I took his number and I think I set it up," Holland said. "I was like, 'Guys, listen. We can't all share each other's numbers and not have a group chat. I think I'm the only one that's ever spoken in it."

Holland actually provided a screenshot of the one and only message in the chain that reads: "What's up, other Spider-Men? This is baby Spider-Man here! How's it going?"

Sadly, neither Tobey nor Andrew answered the text.

The actor went on to deny — for the trillionth time — that Maguire and Garfield are in No Way Home. However, he discuss why he had to shoot his shot and introduce himself to both actors.

"I saw [Andrew] at this party and I was like, 'I have to go and say hello because we've shared something that so few people have shared," Holland said. "And it's interesting, we went out to another party after that and I actually bumped into Tobey only 20 minutes later. Over the last few years, we've kind of been getting closer and obviously, one day sharing the screen with them would be a delight. No one believes me, but unfortunately, it's not in this movie."

Maguire's been very lucky, evading the spotlight all these months. Garfield, on the other hand, hasn't been as fortunate and was in the public eye for the release of Netflix and Lin-Manuel Miranda's adaptation of ticktickBOOM! He ultimately found himself pushed to the absolute breaking point when it came to questions about other Spider-Men popping in from across the multiverse.

"Listen, at this point... I'm done," Garfield said last month while answering internet questions for a GQ video. "We'll all find out when the movie comes out and we'll either be very disappointed or we'll be very happy or someone will say, 'I told you so.' And then another person will say, 'But I told you so.' We'll all find, I'm sorry in advance."

Spider-Man: No Way Home opens in theaters everywhere next Friday, Dec. 17.