In need of a horde of zombies for the movie's last scene, Tina goes to Jasper's bingo hall in full-on undead makeup to recruit extras.
Terry and Chance construct a human slingshot to launch a zombie into a lake ... though their prototype is unable to get even a watermelon to fly very far.
Terry launches Chance out of the slingshot. Pathetically, he only "flies" a couple of feet.
The group's prayer is answered as the horde manifests.
Master Ferrell makes a cameo appearance and does a surprisingly good job as he's mauled by a flock of zombies.
Unfortunately, the ever-annoying Ben Farley crashes the set. Tina suggests that Ben should play the zombie that's catapulted into the lake, though he's too chicken (or perhaps too smart, go figure) to do the stunt.
"Aloha bro-has!" Not surprisingly, Chance volunteers to be the zombie that's launched into the lake.
The human slingshot catapults Chance into the lake, and it looks AWESOME.
In a truly terrifying moment, Chance is barely breathing as he's pulled from the lake.
Luckily, Chance survived the crazy stunt, suffering a mere six broken ribs. Note that his balls, which are probably huge, needed to be blurred out.
Thr33 Days Dead is a wrap, though when John announces his plans for a sequel, only a wheelchaired Chance shows interest in being a part of it.