Nick has unbronzed the alchemist, Paracelsus - who is also his uncle! The bronzed villain swiftly bronzed Claudia, broke the bronzer, stole a bunch of artifacts (including an artifact called a stele that makes the bronzer work), and left a ransom note reading, "Sutton knows what I want."
Charlotte insists she doesn't know what happened to them, and is even shocked that Paracelsus struck Nick. She explains that she and Nick, along with Sutton (Nick's father), were immortalized by Paracelsus, who used the philosopher's stone along with a chalice of sorts marked with the Egyptian symbol for life. They don't know where to find Paracelsus, but they might be able to find Sutton...
But while they wait, Pete tries to talk to Myka about her cancer treatment. Surprisingly, she doesn't want to chat...
Jinks tries to look after Claudia, whose bronze state is unstable (thanks to Paracelsus). In order to prevent deterioration that could lead to her death, Artie must find a blood sample from someone related to her, but since Joshua is out of reach, he has to employ a loathsome plan b.
Mrs. Frederic arrives, in that way she has, seeming very out of sorts. When she discovers Claudia bronzed, and learns that Artie knows nothing about why Paracelsus was bronzed, she accesses the heretofore Restricted Files, only to find they've been redacted where it concerns Paracelsus.
Myka and Pete bring Charlotte to Luxembourg to track down Sutton, who's in the midst of conning a young duchess out of her jewels. They crash the party to get his help, and as soon as he hears that Nick is in trouble, he swings into action and takes them to Paracelsus's lab, far beneath the streets of Istanbul.
Mr. Kosan takes Artie to the matrix that shows the health of the Warehouse and its Caretaker, and find that both are deteriorating. In order to learn the vital redacted information, they must consult The Keeper: Abigail. She is able to release the memories of past Warehouses, and informs them that Paracelsus was bronzed by Warehouse 9 - the Warehouse of which he was Caretaker!
In the lab, Paracelsus manages to snooker all four of the good guys and steal both halves of the philosopher's stone. He restores mortality to the family, just as they wanted, but insists on taking revenge. Pete and Myka arrive just as he shoots Charlotte. In the ensuing fight, the lab is destroyed, and Paracelsus escapes. The rest, except for Charlotte, barely escape with their lives.
Artie gets the DNA he needs and stabilizes Claudia's state, and Myka manages to snag the stele from Paracelsus's lab before it collapses. They bring it back to the Warehouse and revive Claudia, who's beginning to feel some strange effects of being a future caretaker.
Claudia's hinky feelings are related to Paracelsus - as a past Caretaker, his awakening causes him to take precedence over Mrs. Frederic. She further weakens as he gains strength, and if something isn't done to stop him, it may be the death of Mrs. F.