12 Monkeys Season 3 Images and News You Must See
You're welcome.

We know. We know. You've had **questions** about the upcoming season of 12 Monkeys for months now. We have some answers.
You: Is there a trailer?
Us: Feast on the below. And don't worry, more trailers will come.

You: Are there gonna be any new cast members?
Us: Yep! Joining us this season: Hannah Waddingham (Game of Thones), Faran Tahir (Star Trek), James Callis (Battlestar Galactica) and of course the godfather of time(travel) Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future). We're not telling you how their characters fit into things because duh that would spoil it and trust, it's better to be surprised.
You: What actually HAPPENS in Season 3?
Us: Here's the official synopsis: In season three, James Cole and Cassandra Railly embark on a desperate search across time to find the man responsible for the apocalypse, a time traveler who calls himself the Witness. Killing the Witness will mean saving the world. But the journey will come at tremendous personal stakes for both Cole and Railly and will cal into question new alliances, old bonds and the virtue of the mission itself.
You: Yeah thanks. That's great but totally generic. I need SOMETHING.
Us: OK, how about some tweets that showrunner/co-creator Terry Matalas that offer cryptic images? They are below:
We'll let you interpret them as you will. But, yes, one decade that will be visited is the 80s as seen by Jennifer's gorgeous ensemble and Cassie's critically important crimped hair.
You: I need more. Answer some more questions.
Us: Okay. Jennifer will still be crazy. And Jones will still smoke a lot.
You: Please. More.
Us: Another time, another place. Stay tuned to this space for more as we get closer to the return of 12 Monkeys.