Episode Recap: I've Got You Under Your Skin

In this week's episode, the Reaper finally returns for Sally's soul after being MIA for a week, Josh's sister Emily shows up to break him out of his self-imposed exile, and Aiden scrambles to satisfy Princess Suren's edict to cull Bishop's orphan vampires ASAP.
After getting a concerned call from Aidan, Emily shows up to give Josh a much-needed kick in the pants. Struggling to pull things together after losing Nora, Josh is thankful for the sisterly love. At least, until he realizes that Emily has become close to his ex-girlfriend Julia. During a chance encounter, Josh and Julia toss barbs at each other but end up bonding once they are forced to take care of a very drunk Emily—just like old times. With the ice finally broken, Josh and Julia have their first real conversation since Josh left her at the altar years ago. Josh explains as much as he dares and Julia, even though she doesn't get it all, does understand that the Josh she knew is gone. With that truth on the table, perhaps the air is finally clear enough for them to work together peacefully.
It's been almost a week since Sally made peace with being shredded by the Reaper and his sudden absence has her very much on edge. When he finally does show up, Sally reads him the riot act but it turns out that he's been trying to find a loophole for her. Reaper's take-it-or-leave-it offer is a big one: Sally can take his place as the new Reaper, or she can be reaped herself. Overwhelmed, she turns to Aidan who makes the radical suggestion that Sally kill the Reaper before he can kill her. Sally soon tracks down her high school buddy Stevie—the only ghost she's known to "shred" another ghost before—but he cautions her against it. Sally tries to kill the Reaper anyway and, when she fails, begins to like the idea that she could take the Reaper's place. Her first assignment? Shred her friend Stevie.
When Princess Suren finds out that Mother is coming back to Boston to make sure that Bishop's orphans have been culled, she panics and tells Aidan that they must kill them all by the end of the day. Aidan reaches out to Henry and tells him to get all the orphans together in one place so that Aidan can save them. Henry, happy to be providing safe passage for the orphans, does just as Aidan asks and collects as many of them as possible. When Aidan shows up he promises the orphans a new life if they are willing to leave Boston behind. Sadly for them, it's all a ruse. Aidan rushes Henry out the front door just as Suren disinvites them from afar, causing them to burst into flames. Henry is livid, but he recognizes this is his only opportunity to rejoin the vampire family after more than 80 years of exile. All he has to do is survive Suren's very painful punishment for him—a horror Aidan cannot even bear to watch.