About a year ago, Aleister lured an attractive young woman into a Witchy Den of Sin. Then Clara showed up and, well, bad things happened ... on video!
As The Undoing has been unleashed, Ruth says they have to find Clara, as Aleister mentioned a "great woman" who taught him ... and they must kill Aleister by dawn, or else every witch in the world will die. And some people just worry about doing laundry.
Logan visits Rachel at her parents' home, where she tells him she needs space ... and that she had an abortion. Logan is devastated.
Clara, now in possession of Savannah's talisman, tells Savannah that the other witches just want to control her. Oh, enough already!
Logan lets off some steam by teaching a drunken lout some manners.
Logan's fighting skills get the attention of an underground fight club manager, who tells Logan he could make a thousand bucks that night. "No gloves, no rules ... they're a bunch of monsters." Sounds like Logan would fit right in.
Jeremy encourages Ruth to strike back against Aleister using his own left-hand black magic. Ruth conjures a spell ...
... and Aleister cries out in pain as a gruesome wound appears on the side of his head. Now we're playing with power!
After Aleister uses Savannah to contact Ruth and swear revenge for her actions, Jeremy suddenly starts to change into wolf form. He can't control it!
Elena, Clay, Paige and Nick go to Clara's house, where they find Aleister's Den of Sin. Paige's nose starts bleeding ... and Nick finds the video camera. Anyone up for watching a snuff film made by a couple of witches?
At the underground fight club, Logan's opponent is none other than Zachary Cain, the mutt who was castrated by Clay in Season One. During their match, Cain starts to transform -- and, like Jeremy, he can't control it. Logan chokes him out before he makes a scene. What's going on here?
Ruth has the answer: as the witches are dying, the werewolf curse is lifting. Come dawn, they'll no longer be werewolves -- and if any of them are in wolf mode at that time, they'll stay that way forever. These stakes are crazy high!
Back at Aleister's Den of Sin, the Witchy Snuff Film viewing party is in full swing. Aleister's would-be one-night stand ended up being possessed by Clara, after which she was killed. Clara wants to possess a new body: Savannah, which would allow her to wield her witchy powers. Villainy most foul!
Logan visits Zachary Cain and encourages him to join the Pack to help fight Aleister. Cain has his lady-love and would-be Werewolf Queen, Amber, on life support.
A frantic Rachel calls Logan and tells him something's wrong with the baby. Logan is relieved that she lied about the abortion and rushes to her side.
Back in Aleister's Den of SIn, Nick experiences extreme pain in his eyes, and Paige is going numb from extreme cold. Soon after, the entrance is suddenly sealed shut, separating them from Clay and Elena. Paige says this is a "witch's door," and usually there's a trigger that controls it ... but where is it?
The dark magic is too much for Ruth. To properly wield it, she must access the spirits of the coven leaders before her in The Catacombs, the witches' sanctuary since the 1700s. It's in Boston. Road trip!
Rachel and Logan arrive at Stonehaven. That unborn werewolf baby is getting restless with all this curse-being-lifted stuff going on.
The search for the witch's door trigger is going poorly, and Paige is in bad shape. Nick comforts her and declares his love for her. Aww, Lil Pup is all grown up!
Cain decides to join the Pack to help fight Aleister. He tearfully says goodbye to his Werewolf Queen and takes her off life support.
Never underestimate the power of love! Nick finds the trigger and opens the witch's door. Now to find some bloodroot for his lady!
Ruth arrives at The Catacombs, enters the Ritual Room and prepares to open a can of dark-magic whup-ass on Aleister.
An enraged Aleister arrives at Stonehaven, demanding to see Ruth. Logan, in wolf form, attacks him, though Aleister stabs him with a pair of antlers.
From the Ritual Room in Boston, Ruth casts a spell and Aleister cries out in pain. He flees from Stonehaven, leaving Jeremy and Rachel to tend to a severely wounded Logan.
The cuts are too deep. Logan tells Rachel to raise their son, and tell him who -- and what -- he was. He dies in Rachel's arms. LOGAN!!!
A heartbroken Jeremy tells Elena to get to Boston and protect Ruth. He doesn't reveal what's happened to Logan ... though he'll soon have an opportunity to do so in person. To Beantown!
Clara conjures another dark spell and Aleister vomits black bile. She's killing him ... though Clara knows where Ruth has gone. To Beantown!
Clay and Elena take a moment to declare their love for each other, even if come morning they end up being non-werewolves.
Cain arrives at Stonehaven and joins the Pack. "Witches, zombies, dragons, whatever -- Jeremy, you just point me in the direction of what needs killing." Yes! Redemption!
Aleister, Clara and Savannah arrive in Boston. "Let's finish this," snarls the male witch. Only one more episode in Season 2!