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Comic-Con 2016 Coverage Galore at

Our sister site's got all the scoops that came out of San Diego.

By Bryan Enk

And that's a wrap for another San Diego Comic-Con!

This year's Con was chock full of scoops and surprises, and our sister site, Blastr, was on hand to make sure you didn't miss a thing. From DC unveiling footage from both Justice League and Wonder Woman to this year's best (and not so best) cosplay, you'll find all the Comic-Con goods that's fit to post at

Blastr also conducted several video interviews with some of the hottest stars from the hottest movies and TV shows. They got weird with some of the gang at Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ...

They got groovy with the cast of Ash vs. Evil Dead ...

And they got freaky with the cast and crew of The Exorcist.

Oh and there's more. Much more!

Click here to relive Comic-Con 2016 at