Wanna Kill Sharks? Play the Sharknado 4 Video Game!
Now you can be Fin ... with a chainsaw. On the back of a unicorn.

What better way to prepare for the maelstrom of Sharknado: The 4th Awakens than by living it?
The Sharknado: The 4th Awakens video game allows you to play as Fin. Fin with a chainsaw. Fin with a chainsaw on the back of a unicorn (yep!). Fin with a chainsaw on the back of a unicorn ... turning sharks into bloody sushi!
It's all very Atari 2600 retro, and like those old games of yore, the stakes are pretty high: the game's over if you let more than three sharks get past you. Be quick, and strike true!
Click here to play the Sharknado: The 4th Awakens video game, and catch Sharknado: The 4th Awakens movie on July 31 at 8/7c.