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When Turtlemania Ruled the World

Cowabunga, dude. Take a look back when Ninja Turtles were everywhere and everything.

By Bryan Enk

Remember when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were everywhere and everything?

Long before the Michael Bay-produced big-screen reboot, the Turtles were pop culture. They had the most absurd action figures around (Donatello Dracula, anyone?), appeared on both Oprah (yep) and Barbara Walter’s Pre-Oscars Special (double yep) and went on a live musical tour called Coming Out of Their Shells.

Turtle Power never really went away … it just, well, started taking cat (turtle) naps. Go back to the heydays thanks to our pals over at Blastr.

Click here to subscribe to Blastr's YouTube channel, dude.