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Episode Recap: Being Better Is So Much Harder
In the aftermath of the explosion, the Raza crew fights to survive. Help comes from a surprising source.
We’re back for a new season here on Dark Matter and everyone is exactly where we left them last year, only somehow worse. Ryo succeeded in blowing up EOS 7 and getting the hell out of dodge, but the rest of his former crewmates haven’t been so lucky. Two, Three, Five, and Six are all still stuck on the station and it is going down in flames.
Five manages to escape with Commander Truffaut, which is lucky, since I guess we trust her for right now. Two and Six manage to meet up in the chaos and make their way to the waiting Marauder while Three remains missing in action. The last time we saw him, he was barely conscious and beaten all to hell and possibly being rescued by Anders. We’ll check back with him later.
Two and Six get about five seconds away from the station before they’re hit with the blast and their comms, navigation and power are knocked out. At least they still have oxygen … for now.
Five and Truffaut manage to make it back to the Raza just in time for the ship to be set upon by Ferrous Corp. There’s a war on, you know, and they are not wasting any time. They duke it out until both ships are stuck floating in space and Ferrous soldiers decide to board the Raza. The ladies have something else in mind though, setting a trap involving Five busting out the BIG guns and Android popping up out of a barrel, her own guns blazing, like both the best and worst Jack-in-the-Box ever.
Three has been out on his own adventure this whole time. Turns out, Anders did pull him to safety and now they’re stranded in an abandoned mining facility with one gun between them and a very angry security drone on their heels.
Two and Six manage to get the comms up and running, contacting the Raza. Everyone is very happy to find the others alive, but Android puts an end to the celebrations by telling them all that Nyx is dead— murdered by Ryo when he boarded the Raza to steal the Blink Drive.
Two and Six don’t have much time to mourn, though, because now they’re also losing oxygen. Two locks Six in the back of the Marauder with most of the air while she decides to take a chance, hoping her nanites will be able to keep her alive like they did that time she got spaced. It’s not a very well thought out plan, but its more plan than they had 10 seconds ago. In a guilt and oxygen-deprived hallucination, Two sees Nyx who tells her she’s amazing and that none of this is her fault. They say their goodbyes, sealed with a kiss, and Two passes out.
Ryo has also been popping around this episode. He’s back on Zairon and his first action after starting a corporate war is to free his old teacher, Teku, from prison. Teku was locked up by Ryo’s step-brother and mother for maintaining his allegiance to Ryo and his father, so Ryo offers his teacher a place on his court. Misaki is not so pleased about this, but then, she doesn’t like any of Ryo’s friends.
Three and Anders manage to take out the security drone and after a few deep conversations about whether “good” and “bad” means anything anymore, Anders decides not to give Three up to the GA. He leaves him in the mining facility and tells the Raza where to pick him up.
Speaking of the Raza, while Three was having a shootout with a drone, Two and Six found themselves back on board (The Raza picked them up after Five and Android dealt with Ferrous goons, as described above), conscious and not at all dead (go nanites!). Two has a heart-to-heart with the departing Truffaut, who assures her that Mikkei will remain neutral in the war so long as it suits them. She then tells Two not to let the guilt get to her, which is surprisingly good advice coming from Truffaut.
With the whole Raza crew back together and a corporate war threatening the galaxy and everyone in it, it’s time to decide what to do for the rest of the season. They discuss their plans over a lovely casserole Android has prepared (the secret ingredient is love … and basil) and things shake out as you expect: Three wants to loot the whole place, Six wants to join the fight. Two though, knows exactly what they’re going to do. They’re going to steal back the Blink Drive and kill Ryo Ishida.
Oh, and Five has a super secret project that involves a computer, some virtual reality, and the salvaged digital consciousness of Three’s dead girlfriend, Sarah.