Episode Recap: Switched and Hitched
Just when you thought the foundation challenge was a thing of the past, in walks Oscar-winner Steve Laporte to judge the artists' skills as they "lay hair" (that's "make a beard" for you ordinary mortals.) Though Anthony is confident in his hair skills, Steve is unimpressed with his Rastafarian beard. It's Tate, who was sure he was doomed in the hair department, who wins the challenge with his sci-fi villain beard and eyebrows.
For the spotlight challenge, McKenzie directs the contestants to a limo, and the models - real-life engaged couples - step out. The goal is to gender-swap the brides and grooms, and everyone's pumped when they learn that they get to pick their own partner this time. Tate, who teams up with Anthony, gets to choose his couple (having won the foundation) and they go with a couple who have a healthy dose of androgyny in their natural state, and move ahead with a Vegas wedding.
No one's surprised that Megan and Conor wind up in a pair, least of all Jo, whose gag reflex is tested more and more each minute. As she and her partner Tom start work on their campy '70s wedding, Jo notices that Conor's directing while Megan's cleaning. Sam and Gage move placidly forward with their old age wedding, not getting caught up in the drama, but Conor makes no secret of the fact that he thinks they bit off more than they can chew. Gage and Sam know it's a risk, but as Grandma's needlework pillow says, go big or go home.
It's time to go before the judges. Tate and Anthony are feeling good: Their execution is impeccable, their concept imaginative, and when their models walk out, the groom puts a strut in his walk and the bride fakes labor pains, sending Ve into an avalanche of giggles. Glenn condemns the work of Tom and Jo, saying the bride's makeup was lazy and ineffective, and Ve adds that the groom looks like the Keebler elf. Though Sam and Gage were ultimately unable to pull off the old age makeup, the judges give them props for their ambition. When Conor and Megan step forward, Conor states that they shared the work evenly - and there goes Jo's gag reflex again. Ve asks Jo if she has anything she'd like to share, and she burns Megan, saying that she did barely any of the work. Despite this interjection, Megan wins the challenge this week for her prosthetic-free gender bending beauty makeup. Jo looks like she'll burst into flame.
Per custom, Megan tells the judges who she thinks should go home. Her choice of Tom reminds the judges of last week, and makes them think her decision is based on animosity more than honest assessment. Jo's unimpressive and inaccurate makeup stand out as the weakest component of this week's contest. As she gathers her things, she flings a final insult at Megan, who, sitting in a huddle with Conor, doesn't bite back.