Episode Recap: Dinoplasty
This week holds a field trip to the Natural History Museum so the contestants can gain inspiration for the Spotlight Challenge: A dinosaur-human hybrid character.This is a double elimination week, meaning that only three of the remaining five contestants will be moving on to the finale next week. Everyone's stress is softened somewhat by the glee of creating their very own dinosaur. Sue finds one that has fantastic colors and decides to go fully girly with it - why hide her style? RJ triesto depart from his two previous dino-looking characters (the orchid and the alien) by choosing a feathered dinosaur, the velociraptor. Ian sticks with the classic – triceratops - while Rayce likes the shapes of the corythosaurus and Matt goes for the warlike carnotaurus.
On day two, the contestants get not one, but two visits, first from Cleve and Constance Hall, the stars of Syfy's new series, Monster Man. Since fabrication is a high priority in this challenge, they'll lend their expertise to help everyone find the best way to build their characters out. Cleve and Constance are enthusiastic and informative - a big contrast to the second guest, Glenn, who must keep his cards close to his chest and remain impartial. RJ is especially daunted by Glenn's visit, thinking the judge won't like the humorous interpretation of a "veloci-rapper." But Glenn merely notes, privately to McKenzie, that he thinks that the double elimination pressure has everyone doing much more work than they normally would, a move that could cost them in the end.
At the end of the day, RJ has had to scrap his first silhouette, since it looks too much like his first two lizard-y people, and Rayce's tail didn't cure properly, which has him thinking he'll be going home for sure. Everyone is beat down by the work they've done, nervous about the elimination the next day, and simply exhausted in the now quiet and nearly empty loft.
The judges have no easy time with this week's choice, since everyone's work is so strong. Sue's girl power, hip-hop dinosaur impresses Ve and Patrick, but not Glenn; everyone loves the concept behind Matt's skeletal warrior, but misses something ofa dinosaur in the look; RJ's feathered veloci-rapper would have been even more brilliant with a little more gradation in the paint job; Rayce spent good time on the character but not its wardrobe; and Ian could have incorporated dinosaur into the body, rather than just the exposed areas.
Ultimately, it's Ian, Rayce and RJ - the latter almost fainting with surprise - who willbe moving on to the finale, with Rayce taking home the win for this week. Sue and Matt are grateful for all they've learned and have been able to do, and they're full ofenergy for their next steps in their professional and creative lives.