Episode Recap: Surprise of the Century
The 100th episode of Face Off had the artists creating macabre makeups for engaged couples ... and then McKenzie officiated their group wedding!

Today, Face Off celebrates that most holy celebration in any television series' life: the 100th episode. In honor of this longstanding commitment, the artists will pair up to outfit engaged couples as their own macabre characters ... and then McKenzie will marry them on the reveal stage! It takes a special kind of person to link their lives to another, and an even special-er one to do it in creature makeup, on television, officiated by McKenzie, so the artists really want to do these people proud. Because each of the engaged couples got to choose their mates, so too do the artists for this challenge. P.S. one of the grooms is totally Vivienne Pinay from RuPaul's Drag Race.
Libby and Brittany watch the video from their couple and learn that they love the outdoors and magical, fantastical settings. This gives them some ideas for how to incorporate one of the parameters of the challenge –- whimsy! –- but working the macabre requirement into the makeup is a much bigger challenge. Meg and Nora also find themselves at a loss for a concept. Once they decide that one of their grooms will be an artsy drag queen and the other will be one of her drawings, they feel more confident, but they soon realize how hard it is to actualize the concept of a living drawing. When they come to the reveal stage, they see exactly how far they are from the mark of "macabre whimsy," and it's no surprise when the judges affirm that.
Jason and Missy, however, are stunned to hear Glenn disagree with them when they say how much they love their work. Ve and Neville add that the anatomy was wrong, the injury the groom character suffered from jumping off a bridge to his death doesn't add up with his appearance, and the paint job is muddy –- the second time Missy has received this critique.
Ricky and Jordan were well-matched with their couple, who are nerdy video game lovers. They conceive a beach wedding where the groom slipped and fell into the water with his game controller, electrocuting them both. The sophisticated face sculpts, layered anatomy, fun beating-heart gag and Day-Glo paint job easily make this a Top Look.
Jasmine and Ben are almost as in love with their characters as the engaged models are with each other, and the judges have to agree! The bride and groom love cats and mentioned that their dream wedding would incorporate a Beauty and the Beast theme, so the artists transformed them into a beautiful mistress of cats and the beast that all cats believe themselves to be. The bride has a wig made of yarn and the beast has horns to match, which make them the epitome of whimsical. The paint job, especially Jasmine's work on the bride, sets off the macabre in style. Her expert hand with color makes her this week's winner!
Once McKenzie marries the models, Jasmine and Ben's couple, as the winning look, get to cut the wedding cake for all. We won't be announcing the artist going home this week –- it's all celebration, no farewells. Maybe next week we'll decide by tossing three bouquets –- whoever doesn't catch one, goes home?