The Faces of Face Off: Season 9, Episode 9
Death, War, Pestilence and Famine made for some funny business.
You thought "The Gauntlet" was a daunting task? How about the end of the world?
Okay, nothing will ever be as stressful as "The Gauntlet." But creating the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse most definitely had its challenges ... and inspired more than a few memorable faces from the Face Off gang.
- Meg was immediately hit with inspiration of Biblical proportions, causing her to freak out and convulse and start randomly quoting the Book of Revelations (okay, that last part isn't true, but we wouldn't have been surprised).
- Evan, meanwhile, was completely chill as he conjured his vision of Death itself.
- Back in the lab, Nora's Famine sculpt was slacking on the job as it caught a few Z's.
- Or was it? Soon, Nora was under the subliminal command of her Horseman, who forced her to remove all of her facial piercings in the crudest (and most painful) way possible.
- Perhaps smelling his own impending death on Face Off, Kevon was all brazen defiance as he conjured his bizarre (and, in our opinion, totally cool) interpretation of Pestilence. Here, he's like, "Oh, Mr. Westmore's here? Yeah, whatever."
- Speaking of Death, here's Scott's character in the beginning stages, mocking everyone's mortality.
- Meg's still having an epiphany, by the way.
- The episode's kicker was the look on Ben's face when Kevon's name was called for elimination and not his. Oh, sweet, dumbfounded surprise.
See you next week for Season 9, Episode 10: "Freak Show."