Episode Recap: The Lighthouse Inn

The Lighthouse Inn in New London, Conn., may be haunted by the ghost of a bride who, in 1930, fell down the main staircase and broke her neck. Tension escalates between Brian Harnois and Brian Bell over responsibility for the equipment.
In the tunnels below the Inn, Steve is "touched" by an unseen force putting about 15 pounds of pressure on his back, while Kristin- Brian Bell's girlfriend and fellow TAPS member- monitors a sudden 20- to 30-degree drop in temperature.
The findings prove inconclusive. But Steve's experience and credibility, he's a police officer, carry a lot of weight with Jason.
Next stop is Ashland, Mass., and Stone's Public House, a tavern built in the 1800s. There a little girl died after having been hit by a train, and she supposedly now haunts the establishment. In one room, the team records a weird light with no apparent source. In the same room, an EVP reveals the spoken words "We're not."