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Episode Recap: Undying Love


The historic Allen Mansion in Monticello, Arkansas, lives under the shadow of long lost love and heartache.

Current owners Mark and Rebecca Spencer have called in TAPS to investigate the string of paranormal occurrences that have them on edge.  They've seen shadow figures, black masses, apparitions and have seen furniture move on its own.  There are voices, footsteps and doors opening and closing on their own.  Oh: and doppelgangers.  The Spencers have seen doppelgangers.  (Doppelgangers are spirit twins of living people, and are believed by some to signal an impending death.)

Could this have something to do with the suicide of Ladell Allen, the daughter of businessman Joe Allen, who built the house?  She had a tragic love affair with Texas oilman Prentiss Savage, and hid all her love letters under the floorboards in the attic.  Savage's final letter to the married woman was that he would not leave his wife for her.  Shortly after, she took her own life in the mansion.  It's up to the Ghost Hunters to determine who, exactly, is haunting this beautiful home.

Right at the start of the investigation Jason and Steve hear footsteps and Jay sees a black shadow moving.  Then Tango sees a solid black mass on the main floor of the mansion.  He and Adam try to recreate the mass by driving a car by the building, but without success.  This was a huge experience for Tango, unlike anything he's ever seen before!

Britt and Michelle encounter some noises, shadows and doors slamming in the attic where the love letters were found.  Then they are overcome by a horrid smell of sulfur, which many associate with doppelgangers. 

Amy and Adam hear typewriter clicking noises while they are reading Ladell's typewritten letters, which is eerie.  Conversely, Steve and Tango are able to debunk the moving rocking chair by noting the loose floorboards are making the seat rock back and forth as they are stepped on.  Downstairs, Michelle and Britt see movement in a bathroom, accompanied by a doorknob rattling and the lights flickering on and off!

Each team had personal experiences, and the recorded evidence matches.  Analysis picks up a voice talking over Jason and Steve saying, "please stop"!  What does that mean and who said it?? Jason can't be sure that it is Ladell, but he can reassure the Spencers that whatever the spirit is there doesn't seem to be any evil intent. The family should live in peace with their ghosts.

Great investigation!