Hunters: Photos From the Set and Concept Art 17 photos Next GalleryMaid of Orleans: Season 1, Episode 3 199599Prosthetics supervisor Justin Dix makes some monsters. 199600Concept Art: Blinded by th' Light! 199601Concept Art: Hunter Head Goes Boom. 199602Concept Art: The Art of War. 199603Concept Art: Beware the Hunters ... especially the ones with guns. 199604Watch out for these unsavory characters. 199605Conjuring a creature suit. 199606Full-body prosthetics deserve a thumbs-up. 199607Hunter baby! So cute. 199608Do not gaze too long into its purple eye! 199609Oof! What happened to this guy? 199610Even Hunters can be pretty in pink. 199611Hunters are just a whole mess of weird biology. 199612See? 'Mess' might be an understatement. 199613Yikes. Didn't this guy see John Carpenter's The Thing? 199614Hunters sometimes need help, too. 199615He's smiling, right? It's a happy Hunter. No problem. 199616Never trust a Hunter in a hoodie. 199617Hey, it's a living. 199618It takes many hands to make a Hunter. 199619Nice ride. 199620Hunters. They are among us. Previous Pause Next 1 of 22