Episode Recap: Love and Violence
McCarthy is captured while Flynn's search for his wife leads to desperate actions. Plus: Get ready for a live Hunter birth!
Jackson believes that McCarthy tipped off the Hunters about the ETU invading their drug camp. Briggs gives him a picture of Tasha, the woman we saw with McCarthy in Episode 2, and suggests that she may lead to him.
At a club, McCarthy does a rockin' karaoke rendition of The Stooges' "Gimme Danger" and all the gals want to sleep with him. He chooses a hot heroin addict and they start making out in an alley. Tasha appears for a three-way, at which point they brutalize the girl and draw her blood via a huge evil-looking syringe. Don't hook up with strangers!
Meanwhile, Finnerman and Jackson interrogate Regan about her encounter with the Hunter monster. She says that it just ran away, but a flashback suggests that she might have let it go. Finnerman finds it suspicious that it didn't hurt Regan at all. Later, Regan tells Jackson that the Hunter monster communicated images of shapes to her, which they decide to keep to themselves for now.
Flynn meets up with his former FBI colleague Reyes, who believes that Abby might have been involved in Flynn's partner's murder ... and with the Olvidos heroin cartel. Flynn points out that the dead junkie in McCarthy's warehouse had Olvido heroin in her. Reyes mentions that he's been investigating several cases of women with that particular heroin in their system who have been victims of gory spinal taps.
Flynn meets Regan at a fleabag motel and reveals that McCarthy committed all these spinal tap murders; he's not just a terrorist but also a serial killer, and the link that connects all of the recent crimes they've been investigating. Evidence suggests that McCarthy's staying in the motel. Regan picks up Hunter vibes and tracks them to a room, where they find Tasha sitting amidst a grotesque web of Hunter innards that she seems to have vomited up. McCarthy shows up and finds Regan with a gun to Tasha's head. Flynn holds a gun to his head and says he wants his wife back.
At ETU, Jackson announces that they've apprehended two live Hunters, revealing that McCarthy is not a foot soldier but genuine leadership with direct ties to the Hunter bigwig known as Brother Number Four. During his interrogation, McCarthy torments Flynn and Jackson by referring to Jackson's kids and Emme by name. After Jackson offers to create a peaceful partnership with the Hunters and asks to speak to Brother Number Four, McCarthy ignores him and alludes to sleeping with Abby and breaking her neck, which causes Flynn to freak out and storm out of the room.
Dr. James examines Tasha, who has an unusual heart rate for a Hunter and a freaky growth on her back. It also seems that she's been shooting up "junkie brain blood"! Gross. Regan says that Hunters will do crazy stuff to deal with their pain and urgings ... like do drugs and have sex with jackasses, as we saw Regan do in Episode 3. Suddenly, Tasha screams in pain until her growth splits open to reveal ... a cute Hunter baby! McCarthy's a daddy!
Flynn sticks a pen in McCarthy's ear in an attempt to get him to talk, after which Jackson kicks him out of the interrogation. Soon thereafter, Flynn learns that Emme has disappeared from school. Bad day.
Jackson tortures McCarthy with a sonic device developed to help Regan with her Hunter urges, which caused her discomfort at higher levels. After Jackson demands to know who the ETU mole is, McCarthy points out Briggs. When no one buys it, McCarthy calls out Flynn and makes a speech about the hypocrisy of war. Jackson refuses to continue, calling the treatment illegal, unethical torture ... and instead resorts to emotional manipulation, telling McCarthy that Tasha and the baby are not doing well.
McCarthy begs to see them, saying he needs to physically touch them to help them heal. Flynn refuses unless he gives him Abby and Emme's whereabouts, after which McCarthy directs him to a storage unit. McCarthy is taken to the lab, where Tasha has died. He holds his baby, proclaims "I won't let them have another one," and crushes its head. He is the worst. He's then tased into unconsciousness and Regan gets upset. Finnerman tells Jackson that they both underestimated McCarthy and she's sending him to a more secure facility.
As Flynn searches the storage unit, he gets a call that the police have found Emme, safe and sound. At that moment, he opens an ominous freezer, revealing what looks like Abby, naked, frozen and dead. It's a horrible world.