
Julia Ormond

Julia Ormond starred in the Academy Award-nominated Legends of the Fall (1994) with Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins and Aidan Quinn and played the title role alongside Harrison Ford in the classic film Sabrina (1995), directed by Sydney Pollack. In 2008, she appeared with Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and also worked with Benicio Del Toro in Steven Soderbergh's biopic Che: Part One. She will also be seen in the HBO comedy Tour De Pharmacy opposite Andy Samberg, Will Forte and Orlando Bloom and the independent film Rememory starring Peter Dinklage and the late Anton Yelchin. 

Julia received an Emmy Award in 2010 for her role in the HBO movie Temple Grandin and in 2012 was nominated for a second Emmy for her guest role on Mad Men.

Julia was the first and former UNODC Goodwill Ambassador Against Trafficking and Slavery and is the Founder of Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking (ASSET) that was the origin, architect and convener of the Transparency in Supply Chains Law in CA that passed in 2010.  She is Founding Chair of FilmAid International. She was Executive Producer of Calling the GhostsA Story of Rope, War and Women which won an Emmy, a Cable Ace, a Robert F Kennedy Journalism Award. and after a screening at the Council of Foreign Relations spurred legislation that enabled the arrest of Milosevich. Julia also participated in Call and Response. a documentary on the state of enslavement today and one of the first documentaries promoting cell phone technology to accept immediate donations to the cause. She is an Associate Producer to Libby Spear’s Playground, which focuses on the environment that enables child trafficking within the U.S. As an advocate, Julia has traveled the world assessing solutions and challenges and she has appeared as an expert witness before the US. Congress and the United Nations. For this advocacy work. she received the World Economic Forum’s Crystal Award” and Women for Women International’s “Peace Award.

You can follow Julia Ormond on Twitter. @JuliaOrmond