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SYFY WIRE Star Wars: The Clone Wars

8 times Star Wars: The Clone Wars got silly and we loved every second

By Brian Silliman
Jar Jar Binks Clone Wars

The Star Wars community is excited beyond belief that Star Wars: The Clone Wars is returning for an unexpected seventh season, and this is causing many fans to revisit the great episodes of seasons past. Who can resist another viewing of "Landing at Point Rain" or "The Lawless"? Serious action, great material, and classic moments all around... but not much silliness. 

If you want silliness, The Clone Wars definitely has you covered. In almost every season, there's a baffling episode (or arc) made of madness. Usually these episodes involve Jar Jar Binks or the droids, and sometimes they include... poison tea.

Now that the entire series is ours for the binging on Disney+, these episodes are fun interludes that pass by to make things a bit more lighthearted. Back in the day when the series was being released in 22-minute installments, however? These were episodes that tended to make you a little upset that your 22 minutes of Star Wars for the week was a pit droid talking to a little frog man in the desert about suicide (yes, really).

We've stopped worrying and learned to embrace the silly, so here are eight times that the show got weird and we're more than here for it.

Season 1, Episode 8, "Bombad Jedi"

When Jar Jar Binks appears in an episode, things are obviously going to get silly. When he is paired with C-3PO, you are guaranteed a surplus of antics.

Season 1 had a lot of battle droid comedy, but it was this Rodian romp that combined that comedy with the aforementioned characters. Somewhere around the scene in which Mr. Binks is going up and down on a vine (set to bagpipe music), we got a vague idea of how weird the show would get.

Also, Padme gets captured again... but as usual, she gets out of it herself. Nute Gunray also appears, so, this isn't exactly the second half of Revenge of the Sith. It's still bombad silly fun.

Season 3, Episode 3, "Supply Lines"

Half of this episode is serious, and the other half is definitely not. Once again, the non-serious section comes courtesy of the Talented Mr. Binks.

It's all about the plate dance. In an effort to distract Lott Dod from starships passing by a window, Binks grabs a bunch of dinnerware and performs a piece of performance art. Suddenly, the clumsiest guy in the galaxy far, far away is more meticulous with his movements than Donnie Yen.

It's not just the piece itself, it's his collecting of the plates and little grunts and shouts that sell it. Random legs of meat go flying, everyone is puzzled, and the ruse actually works. It might be the best Jar Jar moment in all of Star Wars. Yep, we said it.

Season 3, Episode 5, "Corruption"

It's an episode set on Mandalore, yay! Not yay, because there are no classic Mandos in sight. Instead, it's all about Duchess Satine, school kids, and poison tea.

This is commonly referred to as the "poison tea episode," as the nefarious plot in this story is based around Moogans trying to make more money off of tea by diluting it with a substance that turns out to be poisonous. That's the actual storyline.

In case that's not silly enough, this episode is also notorious for having its title repeated around 7 million times. If you take a shot every time someone says "corruption" in these 22 minutes, you will die. Don't do it.

Season 3, Episode 8, "Evil Plans"

Padme is in trouble! She's got a very important diplomatic function, and the guest of honor loves cake topped with jogan fruit. She doesn't have any! So Anakin sends Artoo and Threepio on a high priority mission to get that fruit! Those are the stakes.

Things don't go well for Threepio — he gets captured by Cad Bane and tortured. Artoo, on the other hand, visits a droid spa.

We'll repeat that because it bears repeating: Artoo visits a droid spa.

No question, the droid spa sequence is one of the greatest moments in Star Wars history. Artoo definitely deserves some alone time, and besides, they get the jogan fruit to the party on time! Thank kriff for that.

Season 4, Episode 5, "Nomad Droids"

Time for another adventure with Artoo and Threepio, one that begins in the episode prior to this one, "Mercy Mission." That one is weird, but this one has it beat by many parsecs.

First, our favorite droid duo winds up in a scene straight out of Gulliver's Travels. Soon after, they are watching a pit droid play a scene right out of The Wizard of Oz. The references are so insanely obvious that you can't help but revel in them like a bath filled with jogan fruit jam.

Season 4 gets serious really fast — right after this we're plunged into the darkness of Umbara. Going into that arc out of this weirdness is really something else. Tonal whiplash is no joke, so be cautious.

Season 5, Episode 11, "A Sunny Day in the Void"

Without a doubt this is the weirdest episode on this list. This is the one, when we only got 22 minutes each week, got some of us mightily pissed off. It's fun to celebrate now, but back in the day? Ew, David.

The tiny Meeber Gascon gets stuck in a desert with a lone pit droid, and suicide is discussed. That's most of the episode. The entire arc built around this episode is random AF, but this one is the real kicker. It's one of the most random, silly, and downright maddening 22 minutes in any piece of animation. Thus, it is legendary.

We've learned to love it, but it took a long, long time.

Season 6, Episodes 8 and 9, "The Disappeared, Parts 1 and 2"

When The Clone Wars got rescued the first time (by Netflix), the season we got was high on action and intensity. Still, it managed to get a little silliness in. Enter Mr. Binks once more, this time paired with Mace Windu. Success is written every which way.

These two polar opposites playing off of each other is weird enough, but then you have to factor in the antagonist for this two-parter, the magical/mystical Mother Talzin. It's a fun Indiana Jones-esque adventure, but it isn't exactly essential viewing... especially when compared to the rest of Season 6.

What really puts this duo of episodes into the silly mix is the notion that Jar Jar "got around" for lack of a better way to put it. Queen Julia is the character with the problem in these episodes, and she requests the help of Jar Jar specifically. They have a romantic past, and they kiss at one point.

That's right, Anakin and Obi-Wan don't have a monopoly on secret love lives in Star Wars. Welcome to the gang, Mr. Binks! Also, ew.