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Oh, that uncanny valley. Cute cartoon characters are adorable, aren't they?
... until depicted realistically. Which is what Jared Krichevsky does. And then yikes.
Like this drawing of Morbo from Futurama, one of my favorite characters on the show:
Yegads! He's also done other Futurama characters, like Kif, Lrrr, and Nibbler. And of course, his terrifying Zoidberg. [Note: Jared's drawings are amazing, but some are perhaps distressing, and should be considered NSFL.]
It's amazing how creepy these guys are "in real life". I've written about this before; a drawing of Homer Simpson freaked me the hell out, and I mean that in the most literal sense. Click through to that drawing of him if you dare. But don't blame me when he haunts your dreams for all eternity.
And as for the title of this post, you should really know your meme. And watch Futurama, because if you read my blog you'll LOVE AND OBEY HYPNOTOAD.
Tip o' the brain slug to io9.