Attack of the Pluto!

I was interviewed once again on the G4 TV program "Attack of the Show!" - I guess they didn't learn their lesson the first time - where my pal Matt Mira (from Nerdist!) and I talked about planets around other stars, and whether Pluto is a planet or not.
Here's the segment (you may need to refresh this page to load it):
I pretty much restated my case that I've been making about Pluto for quite some time: you can't really define what a planet is, so the argument over whether Pluto is one or not is the wrong thing to be talking about. The fact that a fifth moon was recently found is irrelevant; "planet" is more of a concept than a defined object. Trying to draw firm borders around a fuzzy thing like this only guarantees more arguing and less light shed on the topic.
Anyway, it was a fun interview, and it's always a good day when I can get one good zinger in, especially at Matt's expense.
Related Posts:
- Mars Attacks of the Show!
- In which we define what a planet is
- A fifth moon for Pluto!
- Shining shoes for NASA
- My Nerdist episode is online!