Check out a Bowser cherry pie and that Ant-Man/Endgame theory on this week's Weirdest Things on Reddit

SYFY WIRE Original Video

Check out a Bowser cherry pie and that Ant-Man/Endgame theory on this week's Weirdest Things on Reddit

By Jackie Jennings & Donnie Lederer

Con season is in full swing. We are mere weeks away from summer movie season (which strangely starts in April, but at this juncture, there’s no point debating it). Other than Halloween, this is the time of year where lots of weirdness can rear its head. SYFY Wire’s Jackie Jennings and Angelique Roche have sacrificed their sanity to take a look on Reddit for just a taste of that weirdness.

After taking a gander at a fantastic-looking cherry pie made to look like Bowser, Jackie and Angelique looked at a GIF proving something the world has known for years, but it took until today to confirm: Patrick Stewart does not age. We mean, sure, it could be a significant health regimen. However, we know he has a sword hidden on his person at all times. There can be only one, and it’s Patrick Stewart.

Finally, they addressed the ongoing Avengers: Endgame theory regarding Ant-Man and Thanos. At this point, they at least have to talk about it in the film.

Check out more videos, both silly and serious, right here on SYFY Wire.