Colbert destroys Texas creationist Don McLeroy

It may not surprise you to learn I am no fan of one Don McLeroy. He is a young-Earth creationist, antiscience evangelist, and when he was head of the Texas Board of Education he tried to ram through all sorts of ridiculous education standards that would've set Texas schoolchildren back about 200 years.
My own rule of not being a dick makes it difficult for me to express myself clearly about Mr. McLeroy, but happily he does the work for me. He appeared on The Colbert Report, and quite ably demonstrates what kind of person he is. And Colbert is only too happy to comply:
The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Don McLeroy Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive[You may need to refresh this page to get the video to load.]
I love how Colbert says he chooses his own reality; he is mocking McLeroy to his face and McLeroy doesn't really see it. But then, there's a lot of things McLeroy doesn't see.
By the way, the movie clip shown is from a documentary called The Revisionairies, which is all about the damage McLeroy and his cadre did while he ran the BOE. I wrote about this when the directors set up a Kickstarter account to help fund it -- which was successful, obviously. From the trailer the documentary seems to be an unflattering look, to be sure, but that's because it tells the truth. The reviews so far look good, and I'm hoping to be able to watch the whole thing myself... if I can stomach it.
I'm glad McLeroy's no longer running the Texas BOE... but then, after he left, Governor Rick Perry (remember him?) appointed another staunch creationist to that role (after trying to appoint two others). I like Texas -- I've been there many times, and even lived there for a summer a while back -- but honestly, you guys really need to rethink your choices for politicians.
Clearly, the whole world is watching.
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- Standing up too the experts
- Texas creationist McLeroy spins the educational disaster he created
- UPDATE: Texas revisionist McLeroy on ABC
- Texas conservatives screw history