Dot Con 2012!

Dot Con 2012 starts today! Yay!
Oh drat, I hear you thinking. Another con I can't go to? Well, I have some good news: you can go to this one, because it's online. So unless someone printed out this blog post and handed it to you on a piece of paper, Dot Con 2012 is something you can do. And I'm a part of it!
Dot Con is a celebration of nerdy things, and we've got a fun lineup of nerdy stuff planned for the weekend:
- My pal Josh Cagan will be talking with a bunch of Hollywood types who will regale us with stories of being a geek in Tinseltown.
- Virginia Corbett will make geeky ice cream (with special guest appearance by her husband Bill, whom you may know better from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax).
- There will be singing by The Doubleclicks and Mike Phirman! I'll note I heard Mike play at W00tstock in San Francisco a couple of years ago, and he was amazing. Watch this short video for proof (he did this live).
- Len Peralta
- Logan Bonner
- Thinkgeek will be doing stuff too! Seriously, if you know who all these folks are you'll love this. If you don't, well, you should.
- Lots more!
Oh-- and me, too. I'll be doing a live chat online on Sunday February 26th at 5:00 pm PST (01:00 UTC), and be something like my Q&BA, but even nerdier. If that's possible.
Wanna watch? Then just click here! When the panels are running, they'll stream there. I'll note that this whole thing launches with the ThinkGeek panel at 1:00 PST (21:00 UTC) today!
These are all good, nerdly folks, and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them online.
... and why are we doing this? Maybe Dot Con's motto will help:
It's all about the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism.