I'm giving a talk at Eastern Michigan University Feb. 15
Hey, guess where I'll be?
Yeah, there. Well, a little to the left of that big blob. Ypsilanti, Michigan, to be exact. On February 15th I'm giving my "Death from the Skies!" talk at Eastern Michigan University at 7:00 p.m. It's free, so if you're in the area drop on by! I lived in Ann Arbor for three years, so it'll be cool to head back there.
And if you live in the Bethlehem PA area, I'll be at Geroge Hrab's concert a few days later! And then the live Nerdist podcast in Boulder March 2, and then SXSW on March 12th, and more stuff coming too.
Geez, I need to post a calendar. OK, I'll put that on my list. If only I had a calendar to remind me...
Tip o' the spacesuit visor to Fragile Oasis for the picture, which was taken on the ISS on January 30, 2012, because I assume the astronauts were excited that I'd be there. Credit: Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth."