NYCC: Benjamin Percy and Adam Kubert taking on Wolverine, more from Marvel's Dawn of X Panel


NYCC: Benjamin Percy and Adam Kubert taking on Wolverine, more from Marvel's Dawn of X Panel

By Donnie Lederer

The creative team of Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, Clayton Cowles, and Marte Garcia have taken the X-Men universe and turned it on its head. With House of X and Powers of X (ten), the mutants of the Marvel Universe have established their nation on the island of Krakoa. Charles Xavier has put the rest of the world on notice. Mutants are here to help, but they will no longer tolerate their persecution.

With a new status quo now in place, this "Dawn of X" is a perfect jumping-on point for X-Men fans old and new. Some of the creators held a panel during New York Comic Con to talk about what "X-someness" is to come. It included a brand new title coming out in February, which is sure to "slice" the competition. On hand were Benjamin Percy (X-Force), Ed Brisson (New Mutants), Tini Howard (Excalibur), Jordan White (Senior Editor), and C.B. Cebulski (Marvel Editor-in-Chief).

The panel started with a quick recap of the House of X/Powers of X story. We now know Marvel's mutants have created their sovereign Nation of Krakoa. They've created a universal antibiotic which they will share with the world, as long as the world recognizes them as an individual nation. Oh, yeah. Mutants can no longer die.

There will be six books released in the first wave of Dawn of X. The flagship title, X-Men, will be written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Leinil Francis Yu. In a video message, Hickman let fans know what to expect, "These will be 'one and done adventures," he said, "Cyclops will be the leader, and the team will change with each issue as the mission dictates who is needed." Group editor Jordan White also confirmed any mutant living on Krakoa is eligible for Cyclops' team. 

Next up was Benjamin Percy, who takes on the writing duties for X-Force, with art by Joshua Cassera. "X-Force is the mutant CIA," said Percy, "You have the intelligence unit, led by Beast, and the wet works unit led by Wolverine. [X-Force] is a dirty, gritty book." He teased the end of the first issue will "ripple throughout the rest of the line."

Ed Brisson spoke about his title, New Mutants, with art by Rod Reis. The first arc is a space adventure featuring the original team, "The New Mutants team with the Starjammers to find Cannonball, and get into shenanigans." On the Earth-side, Armor, Glob, and Boom Boom will act as a "welcoming committee of sorts for mutants entering Krakoa.

Excalibur writer Tini Howard discussed the hope which comes with her title. "I instantly spoke to this idea of seeing mutants thrive. Normally, cultures can't build things unless they've had time to flourish. [Excalibur] will see mutants grow and create things. And how awesome is it to see Betsy Braddock as Captain Britain," she asked the enthusiastic crowd.

Writer Gerry Duggan also sent in a video message about his title, Marauders, with art by Matteo Lolli. "I wanted to tell a pirate story, and Marauders was the perfect chance. You're going to see an interesting dynamic, with the Hellfire Trading Corporation delivering medicine from Krakoa and acting as a mutant underground railroad on the trip back." From the shown artwork, we will get to see Kitty Pryde being the badass we know she can be.

The other title in the line, Fallen Angels, follows Psylocke, X-23, and Cable as they adjust to their life on Krakoa. The book is written by Brian Hill, with art by Szymon Kudranski.

A lot of great X-Men stories are on the horizon in the coming months, but it doesn't stop there. The "post-credits" scene of the panel announced Benjamin Percy will write his favorite mutant, Wolverine, with art by Adam Kubert. Here is a look at the cover to issue 1.

The Dawn of X Line begins October 9th in comic shops everywhere.