Yes, the Pentagon has been studying UFOs for years (and may share what they’ve found)

The truth is out there. And the Pentagon may reveal...some of it. A story from The New York Times has oh-so-casually let it be known that, oh yeah, not only has the Pentagon been studying UFOs for years (they call them UAP, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, but potato/potaliens are among us), but they may have even found materials that are, in the words of one defense contractor, "not made on this earth.”
And more of its findings may be made public very, very soon.
Originally launched in 2007 and called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, the super-secretive program tasked with investigating unidentified flying objects was thought to have been defunct in 2012 (a rumor the Pentagon seemed all-too-happy to maintain). However, the program is still going strong.
Now called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, the program resides within the Office of Naval Intelligence, and has been briefing government officials and aerospace industry execs on what it has found for more than a decade. But the task force won’t be as secretive as its predecessor AATIP, and its findings may now be available to more than just aerospace bigwigs and senators.
“It will have a new transparency,” said program’s previous director, Luis Elizondo.
A prime example of this new transparency can be found in video footage the reorganized task force had previously released of UFOs — sorry, UAPs, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon — filmed by Navy pilots, including video of an object resembling a spinning top (you know, like a conventional flying saucer from 1950s sci-fi films) captured by a plane’s camera. Although the footage had been available for years, little to no context had been provided until recently.
Even more materials from the program may be more widely released and declassified. Citing a Senate committee report from June, the NYT revealed that the task force would have to make “at least some of its findings” available to the public.
And the program has stuff. Oh, boy, does it ever. Maybe not a fully intact alien spacecraft, but it has reportedly obtained fallen debris from UFOs that even its best and brightest minds can’t explain. In fact, all Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who advised the Pentagon’s program, could say about the recovered materials was: “We couldn’t make it ourselves.”
Now, yes, we’re aware that a lack of explanation doesn’t necessarily mean that the invasion has begun. Still, until we get more declassified material, that’s going to keep us up at night.