Science Channel airing TED talks (including mine!) on April 15

Last month, the folks at TED announced that the talks given at their meetings -- talks which run the gamut of psychology, science, engineering, human nature, and more -- were available on Netflix. A talk I gave at TEDxBoulder in September 2011 is on that list, and I've been getting great feedback on it.
If you don't get Netflix, never fear: the Science Channel is running some of the talks as well! They've put together and have been airing a five-part series of talks covering various topics... including mine! My talk, "How to Defend the Earth from Asteroids", will air on Sunday April 15*.
Here's a preview of the talks:
[You may have to refresh the screen to see the video.]
TED's slogan is Ideas Worth Spreading, and that's a wonderful thought. If you watch these videos, you'll see why. They're full of Big Ideas, and having watched quite a few myself, I can guarantee they'll make you think, make you wonder, and maybe even spark your imagination. That's what ideas do, and it's one of the best things we humans do.
* So no, you can't use the threat of a giant asteroid impact as an excuse to not do your taxes.