SDCC 2019: Breaking down the Star Trek: Picard trailer

SYFY WIRE Original Video

SDCC 2019: Breaking down the Star Trek: Picard trailer


For months, CBS All Access has told us that Star Trek: Picard would be a more character-focused series and not a sequel to Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, the Comic-Con Picard trailer and subsequent Star Trek Universe panel revealed more TNG connections than previously indicated. Now SYFY WIRE Con After Dark is breaking down the Picard trailer for clues and theories!

Although Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, and Brent Spiner are reprising their roles from TNG, only Spiner appeared in the trailer as Data. The trailer also revealed that Picard is carrying some guilt about the way Data sacrificed himself to save his captain in Star Trek: Nemesis. Now it looks like Data may not be as "dead" as previously believed, if Picard can visit a version of him and play a game.

Seven of Nine's guest appearance also indicates that Picard won't be limited to characters from TNG. Seven also seemed far more human than she was during her tenure on Star Trek: Voyager. But perhaps the most intriguing part of the Picard trailer is the young woman who brings him back into play. She may have some connection to his past, but we doubt she's his daughter or granddaughter. Note that she seems to scare Starfleet, as one of the officers declares that she is the end of everything.

That's a lot to put on anyone. Regardless of who she is, Picard clearly sees it as his duty to protect her and get some answers. For more about our Star Trek: Picard theories, check out the full video. The series will debut on CBS All Access in 2020.