Jen puts the Sorcerer Supreme on the stand in 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law' Episode 3
And a shape-shifting Asgardian tricks Denis into giving her $175,000.

As a master of the mystic arts, the Sorcerer Supreme has many responsibilities. Showing up in court to testify in a second-rate supervillain’s parole hearing is not something that the Ancient One probably ever had to do. But, then again, the Ancient One probably didn’t ever bust a monster-man out of jail so they could spar in an underground fighting ring. And so, She-Hulk’s third episode opens with Jennifer Walters trying to get in touch with Wong (Benedict Wong) because he’s the only person who might be able to get Emil Blonsky out of jail. Or rather, out of jail again, but by the books this time.
**SPOILER WARNING!: Spoilers follow for She Hulk: Attorney at Law, Episode 3, "The People vs. Emil Blonsky"**
Nikki offers to try to get in touch with Wong, having looked him up on LinkedIn. (His page lists his current occupation as “Sorcerer Supreme,” but before that, he was a librarian in Kamar-Taj for 11 years, and a Target sales associate for nine years before that.) Nikki posts a librarian-specific thirst trap to get Wong’s attention, and it seemingly works, because before too long Wong sling-rings himself into GLK&H’s offices.
See, it turns out that Blonsky didn’t leave prison by choice, and in fact it was his decision to return to his confinement after the fight despite Wong offering him a place to stay at Kamar-Taj. Wong busted him out because he wanted the fight — which MCU fans saw in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings — to help train him to prepare for his role as Sorcerer Supreme.
This is, if you want to get too deep into the weeds about things (and we do), confusing. When, exactly, does this take place? The five-year time skip in Endgame pushed the events of the MCU into the future, while previously the movies were more or less set in the contemporary time of their release. Series writer Jessica Gao told TVLine that the show is set “not too far” after the events of Shang-Chi: “It’s not, like, years later. It’s a relatively short amount of time.”
The consensus seems to be that Shang-Chi takes place in April 2024, so then we can probably assume She-Hulk takes place after that. However, Wong also mentions wanting to avoid “erasing everyone’s memories, not again,” saying it was “very messy.” Now, we know that Wong and Doctor Strange have used the memory-erasing spell at least once before, after a rowdy party, but most likely this is referencing Spider-Man: No Way Home which is set in the back half of 2024. So is She-Hulk taking place in early 2025?
Also, if Wong was fighting with Abomination as “part of [his] training to become Sorcerer Supreme,” does that mean he wasn’t the Sorcerer Supreme during the events of Shang-Chi, and only recently took the mantle as of No Way Home? That doesn’t make sense, because the understanding was he became Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Strange’s stead while Strange was dust due to the blip. Why would he need to become Sorcerer Supreme if Strange was already unblipped? I don’t think the MCU’s timeline of events would hold up in court.
Given that Jen mentions earlier in the episode that this is still She-Hulk’s show and not “a cameo every week, every show,” in one of her fourth-wall-breaking asides, the digression about Wong feels somewhat regrettable. But, that’s the downside of having the MCU be so connected. Fans are going to want to know how it’s, you know, connected.
Although he’s late to the hearing, Wong does eventually show up to exonerate Blonsky. The prior character testimony -- where his defenders explain he started a prison reading program, and has the inmates making toilet kombucha instead of toilet wine -- wouldn’t have gotten the job done on its own without Wong. Granted, the Sorcerer Supreme quickly yeets out of there once the parole board points out that he has just admitted to committing a crime by breaking Blonksy out in the first place. It also helps that Blonksy demonstrated his ability to transform in and out of his Abomination form at will and control himself the entire time. With the help of a power-inhibitor (the type Bruce said he couldn’t just make for Jen?), Blonksy is free to be with his seven soulmates, a group of flower-crowned women we don’t want to talk about.
Meanwhile, in what Jen helpfully identifies as the B-plot, Jen’s old coworker Denis Bukowski (who suuuuuuuuuuuucks) has come to GLK&H for representation because he’s out $175,000 after getting tricked into thinking he was dating Megan Thee Stallion when in fact he was being catfished by a shape-shifting Asgardian light elf named Runa. While a fun little side-story, Denis’ plight makes it clear that there’s actually a lot of work for a superpowered law division to handle. There are a lot more superpowered beings out there than just the Avengers and their enemies. Asgard is a whole nation of potential plaintiffs and defendants, especially since a judge rules that Thor’s “inspirational speech” about Asgard being a people rather than a place is “not admissible in court,” much to Runa’s dismay.
Jen ends up helping Denis out in the best possible way, by testifying to his character: Namely, that he actually is dumb enough to think he was dating the real Megan Thee Stallion, and therefore Runa was clearly taking advantage of him. (Megan Thee Stallion shows up, as herself, to watch her impersonator get sentenced and also in the post-credits scene to twerk with She-Hulk.)
In what we’ll call the C-plot, Jen finally takes Nikki’s advice (advice that Blonsky of all people echoed) and attempts to own her She-Hulk narrative rather than just hope all this attention just goes away. She goes on TV to give what seems like not a great interview, but at least it’s not just tabloid stories about her having Ambomination’s baby. (The reporter who asked if there was any truth to the rumor that she got her powers from “a mafia hit gone wrong,” was, of course, referencing She-Hulk’s comic book origin.)
The episode ends with Jen getting accosted by four men with stolen Asgardian gear. She transforms into She-Hulk and easily fends them off. However, we see that one of her attackers was trying to stick some sort of syringe in her but couldn’t break through her skin while she’s in Hulk mode. Presumably, these fellas are after blood that they hope can make them, or somebody they work for, into Hulks. One of them goes by the moniker Thunderball, who in the comics is a Hulk villain named Dr. Eliot Franklin, a gamma radiation scientist. He’s a member of the blue-collar villain foursome known as The Wrecking Crew, but what exactly they’re up to in the MCU is a mystery… for now.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law streams on Disney+ every Thursday.
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