Skeptic Zone interview: Doooooomsday
My old pal Richard Saunders from Australia skyped me up (which sounds dirtier than it is) and we chatted about doomsday prophecies -- 2012, mostly, but also all the endless failed predictions of years gone by -- for his podcast The Skeptic Zone (you can grab the MP3 here too). It's always fun to chat with Richard. We've known each other a long time (as you can tell by the picture of the two of us there -- click to southernhemispherenate) and I think that helps.
I also gush a bit about the live stuff I'm doing with Fraser Cain on Google+, including astronomy news roundups every Thursday, and live video telescope viewing via webcams. My part starts at about 12:30 in, but you should listen to the whole thing. It's a good podcast, and he has an adorable accent.