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SYFY WIRE Bad Astronomy

Time lapse of the midnight Sun

By Phil Plait

Iceland has long been on my list of Places I Really Really Want to Visit. This video makes me want to go there even more.

[You may need to refresh this page to get the video to load.]

The video was the Grand Prize winner in the X Prize Foundation's video contest "Why Do You Explore?", and it won videographer Joe Capra a $10,000 National Geographic Expedition of his choosing. Wow.

And Iceland! What a place! The chance to see something like this, or an active volcano (or another active volcano)... and then there's this video promoting Icelandic tourism, which is totally adorable.

Of course, this picture does mitigate things somewhat.

We live on an amazing world, and there's still so much of it left to see.

Via Wired and Ed Yong.

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