Toy Masters: 10 toys that gave you nightmares

SYFY WIRE Original Video

Toy Masters: 10 toys that gave you nightmares


Toys are the birthplace of imagination for children. However, they can also bring terror and fear. Not every doll and action figure was aesthetically pleasing like Barbie and G.I. Joe. In fact, some of the classic toys of yesteryear are downright terrifying ...

With Halloween right around the corner, SYFY WIRE’s Toy Masters is taking a look back at 10 toys that gave you nightmares. And we can't guarantee that they won't give you nightmares after this!

Host Tom Neff kicked off the list with "Musical Jolly Chimp." It's so freaky that even Stephen King gets creeped out by it. True story: King's "The Monkey" was inspired by this toy, and it made the cover of his anthology Skeleton Crew!

You may also notice that several of these terrifying toys incorporate animatronic elements that gave them lifelike facial features and movements. Unfortunately, that toy technology may have also unintentionally made innocuous creations like Cricket, Furby, and Teddy Ruxpin into horrific nightmare fuel. In fact, Cricket seems so much like Chucky that we half expect her to play "Hide the Soul" with us while we're sleeping.

Do you remember Sectaurs: Warriors of Symbion? This 1985 He-Man knock-off also found its way onto our list. Somehow, toy executives decided that a fusion of Masters of the Universe and humanoid insects was just the thing to conquer the toy aisles. Instead, the Sectaurs walk the halls of the damned alongside our other ghastly toys.

For the rest of our picks, check out the full video!