WATCH ECCC: Tana Ford tells us about Dark Horse's LaGuardia
Late last year, Dark Horse Comics' LaGuardia miniseries introduced readers to a futuristic world where aliens have migrated to Earth. It's a very timely story considering the way immigration is still a major issue. LaGuardia artist Tana Ford visited the ECCC Live Stage to talk about her collaboration with Hugo Award-winning author Nnedi Okorafor. And if you noticed that LaGuardia's main character, Future Nwafor Chukwuebuka, looks a lot like Okorafor, it's not a coincidence!
"[Okorafor] was saying that she gets a lot of people saying that Future looks an awful lot like you," noted Ford. "'That was an invention of the artist,' which it was. But Nnedi described the character as a Nigerian American woman who wears glasses and has very long dreadlocks... and just described herself to me. I said 'well, this is an easy start.'"
Ford went on to point out the key difference between Okorafor and Future.
"The difference between Nnedi and Future is that Future runs away from her problems, and Nnedi will address them directly."
As an inside joke for New Yorkers, the LaGuardia airport of the future is still under construction. The biggest difference is that it's now the key arrival point for visitors and residents from off-world.
"The elevator pitch for LaGuardia is that we are on Earth, just after aliens have made contact and literal alien immigration is legal," said Ford.
Additionally, Ford spoke about the worldbuilding of the series and the way the aliens were inspired by creatures and plants on Earth. But for more details, you'll have to watch the entire video!