Zen Pencils does Tyson
If you've read my blog for any amount of time then you're familiar with astronomer Neil Tyson. You may remember the speech he gave when asked about the most astounding fact he knew. It's an amazing passage, probably the best speech he's made.
You may also remember Gavin Aung Than, who does the web comic Zen Pencils. He takes famous quotations and creates comics to go with them, reinterpreting the words with his art and adding extra depth to them. I wrote about him when he drew a series of panels for a Carl Sagan quotation.
So what do you get when Gavin takes on Neil?
Pure awesome.
That's only the first few panels. You really, really need to see the rest. He did a fantastic job with Neil's words.
He's done quite a few of these comics in the past, but this is easily the best yet. Gavin should be a lot more popular on the web, and I fully expect he will be. It's moving and beautiful and wonderful. Go.
Tip o' the zen pencil to Gavin himself on Twitter.