Michaela finds a connection with Pete in exclusive clip from this week's new Manifest

SYFY WIRE Manifest

Michaela finds a connection with Pete in exclusive clip from this week's new Manifest

By Tara Bennett

Who could have guessed those meth heads who were introduced as antagonists would get such a deep backstory this season on Manifest? But that's exactly what's happening as it was revealed in Episode 3.2 that Angelina (Holly Taylor) and Pete have a childhood history and a connection that's still playing out as he sits in jail. 

This week on Manifest in "Tailspin," Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and Zeke (Matt Long) are on the hunt for more context and SYFY WIRE has an exclusive clip of the duo out in the field (literally) getting more intel on Pete's very troubled past.

Check out the clip below:

While the sympathy is piling up for Pete, we saw a glimpse of Pete's far less forgiving brother Jace (James McMenamin) in that clip as he's keeping tabs on his nemesis while he remains on the run. Will the big bro with big problems get in the way of Pete coming to terms with his actions and the guilt of what his drug selling has done to himself and others around him?

Even worse, will it badly impact the fragile connection between Angelina and Pete? As Manifest creator/showrunner Jeff Rake teased us a few weeks ago: "We're going to see a surprising bond, and ultimately, a romance between Angelina and Pete that is going to be a story of redemption and of connectivity. It's going to go to some really interesting and, I think, surprising places. And the impact of that relationship, which we'll get to it in the middle of the season, is going to turn Angelina in new and surprising mythological directions."

Watch Manifest's latest episode, "Tailspin," this Thursday on NBC 8-9 p.m. ET.