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Chad L. Coleman Talks The Expanse, Arrow, The Walking Dead ... Whew!

Blastr talks to one of the hardest-working actors on the planet at NYCC 2016.


We love us some Chad L. Coleman, and guess what? Our pals over at Blastr got to talk with him at New York Comic Con.

Our favorite Coleman character is definitely Fred Johnson, the head of Tycho Station and a man with a venomous past on The Expanse. Despite being known as 'The Butcher of Anderson Station,' Johnson isn't a villain but a "pawn in the system," according to the man himself. 

Coleman also talks about working on Arrow, his comic book project and much more. Watch below, and head on over to Blastr for the latest NYCC 2016 news.

Oh, and here's a little something for you Walking Dead fans ...