25 Questions with The Magician's Arjun Gupta
Get to know the man behind Penny - your favorite traveler.
On The Magicians, Penny is a foul-mouthed bad-ass with a less than great attitude; but in real life, actor Arjun Gupta is a warm and cuddly dude who loves his Nani. Find out more about the man who plays your favorite traveling magician every Monday at 9/8c.
- Weirdest place you've ever made out: haha nah y'all don't get to know that.
- Which of your cast members would you trade Twitter accounts with for a day? You know, It would be fascinating to experience what women have to deal with on the Internet so maybe Stella's account.
- Favorite food that's terrible for you: I have a big sweet tooth. But I don't know that foods are actually terrible for you. That's a strong word. It's the overconsumption of certain foods that is problematic.
- If you could live in any past decade, which would you live In and why? I am fascinated by MLK Jr. and Gandhi. So I would probably live in 1940's South Asia as India got independence or 1960's US during the Civil Rights movement. But if I tapped into an ability to travel through time. I am definitely going ALL over.
- If you could cast a spell in real life, what would it entail? Healing people.
- Foreign language you wish you spoke? French.
- Do you have any hidden talents (i.e. you can do a handstand)? They wouldn't be hidden if I told you :)
- Most embarrassing moment on set? I mean…I am naked a lot on set…I actually don't know if there was a particularly embarrassing moment on set.
- Who's scarier first thing in the morning, The Beast or you? Haha, is this a real question? The Beast…The beast kills people...
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut
- What's your favorite city in the world to visit? Too many! Kanpur India because that is where my Nani lives. Many other cities in India because I love seeing my family.
- Which of your castmates would you like to switch characters with for an episode? Julia.
- What's the last TV show you binge watched? Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- What Smurf would you be (I.e. Brainy Smurf, Vanity Smurf, etc….basically insert an adjective before "Smurf") Papa Smurf
- Finish this sentence, "Last Friday night I…." Was running a play that I produced with my theatre company Ammunition Theatre Company in LA.
- What was your favorite book to read as a kid? Where the Red Fern Grows was the first book that popped into my head, so lets go with that.
- What's more terrifying, being buried alive or being forced to listen to the "It's a Small World" theme song 400 times in a row? Y'all have a different understanding of fear than I do I think…being buried alive is what I pick here.
- You're in the final round of a lip sync battle, which song do you pick to take home the glory? Oooh this is tough. Single Ladies. Beyonce. with the dance.
- You've been invited to do a residency as a magician in Vegas, what's the name of your act? "Let's Peel Back the Curtain"
- Who was the best Batman: Adam West, Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Christian Bale or (presumably, given the movie's not out) Ben Affleck? They were all different but I am partial to the stories and style of the Nolan trilogy so I will go with Bale.
- Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? If so, what was she/or he's name? I don't know that I did. I had older sisters who I played with…or I have just forgotten this?
- What's your porn name? (it's the street your grew up on and the name of your first pet) Shoreline…I've never had a pet…so just Shoreline
- What was your first job? Concessionist and Usher at a movie theatre
- Something about me I think people would be surprised to learn? I am really quite warm and cuddly.
- What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Sadly…check my phone for my emails and all that nonsense.